Wednesday, 25 July 2018

[FREE EBOOKS] 7 Steps to Maximizing the Value of APM, JPA Minibook

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APM Best Practices: 10 Tips From Real Users

Application Performance Management (APM), the technology that enables IT departments to monitor and manage the performance of critical applications, continues to evolve and mature. Focusing on APM benefits both the IT department and the organization it serves. This is especially true as new architectures make applications more complex and interdependent. This book presents APM best practices taken from real APM user reviews on IT Central Station. Their recommendations can help APM adopters get the best results from their investment in the technology.


7 Steps to Maximizing the Value of APM

Application performance management (APM) is an essential solution alleviating some of that complexity. Today, businesses are using APM to connect app performance and the customer experience to business outcomes. APM tracks the behavior of components, such as physical hardware, JVM executing the application environment, web containers, associated databases, external web services, and the code running the application itself. APM also provides insight into the end-user experience, helping you understand the quality of service you're providing to your customers.


JVM Troubleshooting Guide

Your Java VM is basically the foundation of your Java program which provides you with dynamic memory management services, garbage collection, Threads, IO and native operations and more. The Java Heap Space is the memory "container" of you runtime Java program which provides to your Java program the proper memory spaces it needs (Java Heap, Native Heap) and managed by the JVM itself. Determination of proper Java Heap size for a production system is not a straightforward exercise. Multiple performance problem can occur due to inadequate Java Heap capacity and tuning. In this book we will provide some tips that can help you determine the optimal Java heap size, as a starting point, for your current or new production environment. Some of these tips are also very useful regarding the prevention and resolution of OutOfMemoryError problems, including memory leaks. Please note that these tips are intended to "help you" determine proper Java Heap size.


JPA Minibook

One of the problems of Object Orientation is how to map the objects as the database requires. A common issue is when table and column names do not match with the domain model of our application. The basic Java framework to access the database is JDBC. Unfortunately, with JDBC, a lot of hand work is needed to convert a database query result into Java classes. Other disadvantages of JDBC is its portability. The query syntax will change from one database to another. Furthermore application portability is a problematic issue when database native queries are used. JPA was created as a solution to the problems mentioned earlier. JPA allows us to work with Java classes as it provides a transparent layer to each database specific details; JPA will do the hard work of mapping table to class structure and semantics for the developer. An easy definition to JPA is: "A group of specifications (a lot of texts, regularizations and Java Interfaces) to define how a JPA implementation should behave".

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