Sunday, 29 July 2018

10 Tutorials to become an Android Ninja

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10 Tutorials to kick-start your Android projects

Android Hello World Example – How to develop android apps
In this tutorial, we will go through the necessary steps you need to take in order to develop your first Android application in Eclipse IDE using the ADT plugin and run it with an Android Virtual Device. The ADT plugin provides easy Android Project creation and management with rich editor features and documentation as well as Android Virtual Device (AVD) management.

Android Studio Tutorial: Getting started with the new Android IDE
In May 15th, during Google's I/O developer conference, a new developer suite called Android Studio was announced. It is a very powerful IDE based on the famous IntelliJ IDE. Android Studio offers a lot more options for Android Developers on top of InteliJ's fantastic features and deep code analysis. And it seems that it is aimed to the Android Professionals that want to make the process much faster and be more productive in general..

Android: Debugging on a real device
In this tutorial we are going to see how to debug and run your Android application in a read device. This is a very popular subject among Android developers. Emulators are a very important component when developing Android apps. But it's crucial to taste the experience of using your app in a real device. For this tutorial, we will use the following tools in a Windows 64-bit platform: JDK 1.7, Eclipse 4.2 Juno, Sony Xperia Tipo.

"Android Full Application Tutorial" series
Continuing our tutorials on Android here at JavaCodeGeeks, I am going to provide a number of articles on how to build a full Android application from scratch. The app will mainly be useful for performing movies and actors lookups. The TMDb API will be used for searching and links at the mobile version of IMDB will be provided. All the app development lifecycle will be presented and useful tips will be given along the way. Stay tuned!

Android Game Development Tutorials
Some months ago we received an email from a fellow Java developer, Tamas Jano, asking to be part of our JCG partners program. To our surprise he maintains a blog named "Against The Grain" debating about game development for the Android platform. I have been reading all of his articles since then and I must admit that his writings have been an inspiration and a motivation for me and my colleagues here at Java Code Geeks so as to start developing our first game for the Android platform.

Build Android application package file (APK) using Eclipse IDE
Android application package file (APK) compressed file that is used to install and distribute Android Applications. Remember when you install an new Application in your Android Phone (or when you run your Application in an emulator) the APK file of your project is installed on your device. APK files are really ZIP archive files. You may open APK files using any Archive program. You can also think of APK files as JAR files in Java.

Android Contacts Example
In this example we are going to see how to get Contact Information on your own Android Application. This is an example that demonstrates the appropriate queries (basically there are translated to SQLite queries) you should use in order to get the information you want about Contacts. Of course you can customize the display of the Contact List (here we use just a simple TextView). For example you can use ListView.

Android Broadcast Receivers Example
The Android system uses broadcasts messages (often are called Intents or Events) to transfer information to applications. The Broadcasts can be sent either by Android apps or, most commonly, by the system itself. There are many system generated events that Intent class defines for receiving broadcasts, which some of them you can find in the Standard Broadcast Actions of Android Content. In this tutorial we are going to show you step by step how to create a BroadcastReceiver that receives a custom Intent, which contains data that the user gave from the screen.

Android Content Provider Example
A Content Provider is used to share and access data from a central repository. Usually android applications keep data hidden from the other applications but sometimes, it is useful to share data across them. So, content provider is a suitable reason to share data with other applications, based on a standard interface. There are many different ways to store data in a content provider but in most cases a SQLiteDatabase is used. In this tutorial, we are going to create our own content provider using SQLite database, in which we will store and handle our friends' birthday.

Android app development:weather app with forecast
In this example we are going to see how to get Contact Information on your own Android Application. This is an example that demonstrates the appropriate queries (basically there are translated to SQLite queries) you should use in order to get the information you want about Contacts. Of course you can customize the display of the Contact List (here we use just a simple TextView). For example you can use ListView.

Till the next time, enjoy...!!
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